Paddington Bear is set to star in his fourth family-friendly comedy film, along with a new TV series, as confirmed by the rights-owners. This news comes ahead of Paddington in Peru's release in cinemas on November 8 and a West End musical launching next year, following the opening of the Paddington Bear Experience at London’s County Hall this summer.
At the Brand Licensing Europe convention in London, StudioCanal executive Françoise Guyonnet announced, "We are working on a new TV series and a new movie slated for 2027 and 2028." She emphasized the company’s focus on content, experiential, and digital strategy, marking a shift from the simpler beginnings of the beloved character when Michael Bond wrote A Bear Called Paddington in 1958.
The upcoming film, Paddington in Peru, will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the original book. It sees Paddington returning to Peru to visit his Aunt Lucy, voiced by Imelda Staunton, with Ben Whishaw reprising his role as Paddington. The film's star-studded cast includes Hugh Bonneville, Emily Mortimer, Julie Walters, Jim Broadbent, Antonio Banderas as Hunter Cabot, and Olivia Colman as The Reverend Mother.
In addition to the movie, the Paddington brand is expanding with other ventures. Jo Malone recently released a limited-edition Paddington-themed marmalade cologne, and a Paddington-themed Roblox game is set to launch in November.
StudioCanal, which acquired the intellectual property rights to Paddington Bear (excluding publishing) in 2016, aims to "turn a heritage brand into a global phenomenon" as part of Paddington's journey from a classic character to a worldwide cultural icon.
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